Upper & Lower Riemann Integral

The upper Riemann integral is greater or less than the lower Riemann integral.

I remember several years ago, in an analysis class that I took, a trivial result that was stated in class was that the upper Riemann integral of a function is always greater than or equal to its lower Riemann integral. When reading Efe A. Ok’s book (Ok, 2007), I stumbled on this exact statement again on page 53, followed by his reminder to prove the statement before continuing. Since I don’t remember proving this in class and Ok doesn’t prove this statement in his book, in this blog post, I try to provide a proof that is as detailed as possible so that there are no doubts as to the validity of the statement.

Definitions to Prove the Result

I devote this entire section to defining terms that will be useful to prove the statement. Some of the symbols I use are from Ok’s book while some definitions are from other sources. This section can be considered a brief review for the expert and, hopefully, a helpful guide for the beginner.

Definition. Supremum & Infimum\textbf{Definition. Supremum \& Infimum}

A lower bound of a subset SS of a partially ordered set (P,)(P, \leq) is an element aPa \in P such that axa \leq x for all xSx \in S. A lower bound aa of SS is called an infimum of SS if for all lower bounds yy of SS in PP, yay \leq a (aa is larger than any other lower bound).

An upper bound of a subset SS of a partially ordered set (P,)(P, \leq) is an element bPb \in P such that bxb \geq x for all xSx \in S. An upper bound bb of SS is called a supremum of SS if for all upper bounds zz of SS in PP, zbz \geq b (bb is less than any other upper bound).

Definition. Bounded Function\textbf{Definition. Bounded Function}

A function fR[a,b]f \in \mathbb{R}^{[a, b]} (where its domain is on [a,b][a, b] and its codomain is on R\mathbb{R}) is bounded if there exists BRB \in \mathbb{R} such that f(x)B|f(x)| \leq B for all x[a,b]x \in[a, b].

Definition. Dissection\textbf{Definition. Dissection}

Let aa and bb be two real numbers such that aba \leq b. For any mNm \in \mathbb{N}, dissection of the set [a,b][a, b] is denoted by [a0,,am]\left[a_{0}, \ldots, a_{m}\right] and is defined by {[a0,a1],[a1,a2],,[am1,am]}\left\{\left[a_{0}, a_{1}\right],\left[a_{1}, a_{2}\right], \ldots,\left[a_{m-1}, a_{m}\right]\right\} where a=a0<<a=a_{0}<\cdots< am=ba_{m}=b. The class of all dissections of [a,b][a, b] is defined by D[a,b]\mathcal{D}[a, b].

Definition. Finer Than\textbf{Definition. Finer Than}

For any a:=[a0,,am]\boldsymbol{a}:=\left[a_{0}, \ldots, a_{m}\right] and b:=[b0,,bk]\boldsymbol{b}:=\left[b_{0}, \ldots, b_{k}\right] in D[a,b]\mathcal{D}[a, b], we write ab\boldsymbol{a} ⋓ \boldsymbol{b} for the dissection [c0,,cl]D[a,b]\left[c_{0}, \ldots, c_{l}\right] \in \mathcal{D}[a, b] where {c0,,cl}={a0,,am}{b0,,bk}\left\{c_{0}, \ldots, c_{l}\right\}=\left\{a_{0}, \ldots, a_{m}\right\} \cup\left\{b_{0}, \ldots, b_{k}\right\}. Moreover, b\boldsymbol{b} is finer than a\boldsymbol{a} if {a0,,am}{b0,,bk}\left\{a_{0}, \ldots, a_{m}\right\} \subseteq\left\{b_{0}, \ldots, b_{k}\right\}.

Definition. a-upper Riemann Sum & a-lower Riemann Sum\textbf{Definition. \textit{a}-upper Riemann Sum \& \textit{a}-lower Riemann Sum}

Let fR[a,b]f \in \mathbb{R}^{[a, b]} be any bounded function. For any dissection aD[a,b]\boldsymbol{a} \in \mathcal{D}[a, b], define Kf,a(i):=sup{f(t)ai1tai}K_{f, \boldsymbol{a}}(i):=\sup \left\{f(t) \mid a_{i-1} \leq t \leq a_{i}\right\} and kf,a(i):=inf{f(t)ai1tai}k_{f, \boldsymbol{a}}(i):=\inf \left\{f(t) \mid a_{i-1} \leq t \leq a_{i}\right\} for each i=1,,mi=1, \ldots, m. The aa-upper Riemann sum of ff is defined as

Ra(f):=i=1mKf,a(i)(aiai1) R_{\mathbf{a}}(f):=\sum_{i=1}^{m} K_{f, \mathbf{a}}(i)\left(a_{i}-a_{i-1}\right)

and the aa-lower Riemann sum of ff is defined as

ra(f):=i=1mkf,a(i)(aiai1). r_{\mathbf{a}}(f):=\sum_{i=1}^{m} k_{f, \mathbf{a}}(i)\left(a_{i}-a_{i-1}\right).

Definition. Upper and Lower Riemann Integrals\textbf{Definition. Upper and Lower Riemann Integrals}

Let fR[a,b]f \in \mathbb{R}^{[a, b]} be any bounded function. R(f)R(f) and r(f)r(f) are called the upper and lower Riemann integrals of ff, where they are defined as R(f):=inf{Ra(f)aD[a,b]}R(f):=\inf \left\{R_{\boldsymbol{a}}(f) \mid \boldsymbol{a} \in \mathcal{D}[a, b]\right\} and r(f):=r(f):= sup{ra(f)aD[a,b]}\sup \left\{r_{\boldsymbol{a}}(f) \mid \boldsymbol{a} \in \mathcal{D}[a, b]\right\}.

A Proof of the Theorem

I now state and prove two lemmas that will be helpful for proving the theorem, and I prove the theorem afterwards. For the following analysis, I only consider functions that are bounded.

Lemma.\textbf{Lemma.} For any dissection aD[a,b],Ra(f)ra(f)\boldsymbol{a} \in \mathcal{D}[a, b], R_{\boldsymbol{a}}(f) \geq r_{\boldsymbol{a}}(f).

Proof.\textit{Proof.} Since for every dissection aD[a,b],sup{f(t)ai1tai}inf{f(t)ai1tai}\boldsymbol{a} \in \mathcal{D}[a, b], \sup \left\{f(t) \mid a_{i-1} \leq t \leq a_{i}\right\} \geq \inf \left\{f(t) \mid a_{i-1} \leq t \leq a_{i}\right\}, we have that

i=1msup{f(t)ai1tai}(aiai1)i=1minf{f(t)ai1tai}(aiai1)Ra(f)ra(f). \begin{aligned} \sum_{i=1}^{m} \sup \left\{f(t) \mid a_{i-1} \leq t \leq a_{i}\right\}\left(a_{i}-a_{i-1}\right) & \geq \sum_{i=1}^{m} \inf \left\{f(t) \mid a_{i-1} \leq t \leq a_{i}\right\}\left(a_{i}-a_{i-1}\right) \\ & \Leftrightarrow \\ R_{\boldsymbol{a}}(f) & \geq r_{\boldsymbol{a}}(f). \end{aligned}

Lemma.\textbf{Lemma.} If r(f)>R(f)r(f)>R(f), then there exists some a,bD[a,b]\boldsymbol{a}, \boldsymbol{b} \in \mathcal{D}[a, b] such that rb(f)>Ra(f)r_{\boldsymbol{b}}(f)>R_{\boldsymbol{a}}(f).

Proof.\textit{Proof.} Suppose the hypothesis is true and suppose by contradiction for all a,bD[a,b],Ra(f)rb(f)\boldsymbol{a}, \boldsymbol{b} \in \mathcal{D}[a, b], R_{\boldsymbol{a}}(f) \geq r_{\boldsymbol{b}}(f). This implies that either (1) the supremum of rb(f)r_b(f) is equal to the infimum of Ra(f)R_a(f) or (2) the supremum of rb(f)r_{\boldsymbol{b}}(f) is less than the infimum of Ra(f)R_{\boldsymbol{a}}(f). In other words, sup{ra(f)aD[a,b]}=r(f)=inf{Ra(f)aD[a,b]}=R(f)\sup \left\{r_a(f) \mid \boldsymbol{a} \in \mathcal{D}[a, b]\right\} = r(f) = \inf \left\{R_{\boldsymbol{a}}(f) \mid \boldsymbol{a} \in \mathcal{D}[a, b]\right\} = R(f) or sup{ra(f)aD[a,b]}=r(f)<inf{Ra(f)aD[a,b]}=R(f)\sup \left\{r_{\boldsymbol{a}}(f) \mid \boldsymbol{a} \in \mathcal{D}[a, b]\right\} = r(f) < \inf \left\{R_{\boldsymbol{a}}(f) \mid \boldsymbol{a} \in \mathcal{D}[a, b]\right\} = R(f). In either case, the result contradicts the hypothesis. Hence, the statement is true.


R(f)r(f). R(f) \geq r(f).

Proof.\textit{Proof.} Suppose by contradiction we had r(f)>R(f)r(f)>R(f). By the lemma above, this implies that there exists some a,bD[a,b]\boldsymbol{a}, \boldsymbol{b} \in \mathcal{D}[a, b] such that rb(f)>Ra(f)r_{\boldsymbol{b}}(f)>R_{\boldsymbol{a}}(f). Then consider the dissection ab\boldsymbol{a} ⋓ \boldsymbol{b}. We know that babD[a,b]\boldsymbol{b} \subseteq \boldsymbol{a} ⋓ \boldsymbol{b} \in \mathcal{D}[a, b] and aab\boldsymbol{a} \subseteq \boldsymbol{a} ⋓ \boldsymbol{b}. Hence, since ab\boldsymbol{a} ⋓ \boldsymbol{b} is finer than a\boldsymbol{a} and b\boldsymbol{b}, we have that rab(f)rb(f)r_{\boldsymbol{a} ⋓ \boldsymbol{b}}(f) \geq r_{\boldsymbol{b}}(f) and Rab(f)Ra(f)R_{\boldsymbol{a} ⋓ \boldsymbol{b}}(f) \leq R_{\boldsymbol{a}}(f). This implies that rab(f)rb(f)>Ra(f)Rab(f)rab(f)>Rab(f)r_{\boldsymbol{a} ⋓ \boldsymbol{b}}(f) \geq r_{\boldsymbol{b}}(f) > R_{\boldsymbol{a}}(f) \geq R_{\boldsymbol{a} ⋓ \boldsymbol{b}}(f) \Rightarrow r_{\boldsymbol{a} ⋓ \boldsymbol{b}}(f)>R_{\boldsymbol{a} ⋓ \boldsymbol{b}}(f). However, this contradicts the fact that Rx(f)rx(f)R_{x}(f) \geq r_{x}(f) for any dissection x\boldsymbol{x}, stated in the lemma above.


  1. Ok, E. A. (2007). Real Analysis with Economic Applications (Vol. 10). Princeton University Press.