I would like to spend time exploring topics that will define the next century of humanity. I try to post my explorations of such topics here.

A Welfare Maximizing Mechanism in the House Allocation Problem

I describe an algorithm to find the allocation that maximizes social welfare in the house allocation problem.

Minimizing Waiting Time Given Lists of Resources

Given a list of resources that each agent needs, I describe an algorithm to minimize the total time agents must wait between using resources.

The Bottleneck Model

I review the famous bottleneck model that Vickrey introduced and that Arnott expanded upon.

Theory and Application of the KKT Conditions in Linear Programming

I present some theory behind the KKT conditions and present a linear programming application solved using the KKT conditions.

Details of Dynamic Programming Theory

I derive the Bellman Equation and show that if a solution to the equation exists, then it must be unique.

Using a Markov Decision Process to Model Life

I use a Markov Decision Process to model a theme that is prevalent in life in order to answer some interesting questions. My definition of life is somewhat equivalent to the philosophical concept behind yin and yang.

Proofs of a Trembling-hand and not a Trembling-hand Perfect Equilibrium in Selten’s Example

I provide proofs of why one Nash equilibrium in Selten’s Example is not a trembling-hand perfect equilibrium and why another is.

Upper & Lower Riemann Integral

The upper Riemann integral is greater or less than the lower Riemann integral.

An Alternative Algorithm to Early Stopping

I describe an algorithm to determine the number of iterations hyperparameter of neural networks.

Overfitting Data

There is a network that overfits the XOR function and other types of data.

A Model of the XOR Function

If batch gradient descent is used to find the weights of a neural network modeling the XOR function, a local minimum may be obtained instead of the exact solution.