The upper Riemann integral is greater or less than the lower Riemann integral.
I remember several years ago, in an analysis class that I took, a trivial result that was stated in class was that the upper Riemann integral of a function is always greater than or equal to its lower Riemann integral. When reading Efe A. Ok’s book (Ok, 2007), I stumbled on this exact statement again on page 53, followed by his reminder to prove the statement before continuing. Since I don’t remember proving this in class and Ok doesn’t prove this statement in his book, in this article, I try to provide a proof that is as detailed as possible so that there are no doubts as to the validity of the statement.
Definitions to Prove the Result
I devote this entire section to defining terms that will be useful to prove the statement. Some of the symbols I use are from Ok’s book while some definitions are from other sources. This section can be considered a brief review for the expert and, hopefully, a helpful guide for the beginner.
Definition. Supremum & Infimum
A lower bound of a subset S of a partially ordered set (P,≤) is an element a∈P such that a≤x for all x∈S. A lower bound a of S is called an infimum of S if for all lower bounds y of S in P, y≤a (a is larger than any other lower bound).
An upper bound of a subset S of a partially ordered set (P,≤) is an element b∈P such that b≥x for all x∈S. An upper bound b of S is called a supremum of S if for all upper bounds z of S in P, z≥b (b is less than any other upper bound).
Definition. Bounded Function
A function f∈R[a,b] (where its domain is on [a,b] and its codomain is on R) is bounded if there exists B∈R such that ∣f(x)∣≤B for all x∈[a,b].
Definition. Dissection
Let a and b be two real numbers such that a≤b. For any m∈N, dissection of the set [a,b] is denoted by [a0,…,am] and is defined by {[a0,a1],[a1,a2],…,[am−1,am]} where a=a0<⋯< am=b. The class of all dissections of [a,b] is defined by D[a,b].
Definition. Finer Than
For any a:=[a0,…,am] and b:=[b0,…,bk] in D[a,b], we write a⋓b for the dissection [c0,…,cl]∈D[a,b] where {c0,…,cl}={a0,…,am}∪{b0,…,bk}. Moreover, b is finer than a if {a0,…,am}⊆{b0,…,bk}.
Definition. a-upper Riemann Sum & a-lower Riemann Sum
Let f∈R[a,b] be any bounded function. For any dissection a∈D[a,b], define Kf,a(i):=sup{f(t)∣ai−1≤t≤ai} and kf,a(i):=inf{f(t)∣ai−1≤t≤ai} for each i=1,…,m. The a-upper Riemann sum of f is defined as
and the a-lower Riemann sum of f is defined as
Definition. Upper and Lower Riemann Integrals
Let f∈R[a,b] be any bounded function. R(f) and r(f) are called the upper and lower Riemann integrals of f, where they are defined as R(f):=inf{Ra(f)∣a∈D[a,b]} and r(f):= sup{ra(f)∣a∈D[a,b]}.
A Proof of the Theorem
I now state and prove two lemmas that will be helpful for proving the theorem, and I prove the theorem afterwards. For the following analysis, I only consider functions that are bounded.
For any dissection a∈D[a,b],Ra(f)≥ra(f).
Since for every dissection a∈D[a,b],sup{f(t)∣ai−1≤t≤ai}≥inf{f(t)∣ai−1≤t≤ai}, we have that
If r(f)>R(f), then there exists some a,b∈D[a,b] such that rb(f)>Ra(f).
Suppose the hypothesis is true and suppose by contradiction for all a,b∈D[a,b],Ra(f)≥rb(f). This implies that either (1) the supremum of rb(f) is equal to the infimum of Ra(f) or (2) the supremum of rb(f) is less than the infimum of Ra(f). In other words, sup{ra(f)∣a∈D[a,b]}=r(f)=inf{Ra(f)∣a∈D[a,b]}=R(f) or sup{ra(f)∣a∈D[a,b]}=r(f)<inf{Ra(f)∣a∈D[a,b]}=R(f). In either case, the result contradicts the hypothesis. Hence, the statement is true.
Suppose by contradiction we had r(f)>R(f). By the lemma above, this implies that there exists some a,b∈D[a,b] such that rb(f)>Ra(f). Then consider the dissection a⋓b. We know that b⊆a⋓b∈D[a,b] and a⊆a⋓b. Hence, since a⋓b is finer than a and b, we have that ra⋓b(f)≥rb(f) and Ra⋓b(f)≤Ra(f). This implies that ra⋓b(f)≥rb(f)>Ra(f)≥Ra⋓b(f)⇒ra⋓b(f)>Ra⋓b(f). However, this contradicts the fact that Rx(f)≥rx(f) for any dissection x, stated in the lemma above.
- Ok, E. A. (2007). Real Analysis with Economic Applications (Vol. 10). Princeton University Press.